See attached photos of children's work containing some of the vocabulary that may have come from using the game. We don't feel that this particular title had an effect on the children's stories overall. With regard to the game itself, it turned out you had to put quite a lot of work in before you got anything out. Lots of mini tasks to complete, but it was also a long way to go before reaching a save point. The dialogue appearing on the screen I presume was translated directly from Japanese, leading to some 'interesting' turns of phrase! We contributed to the general lack of success with this game though, by not spending enough time with the game in advance of teaching with it.
Phil & Helen
Phil & Helen

Thanks for posting this, it's as valuable to be able to critique why something hasn't worked brilliantly as it is to be able to say why it has. There is certainly some good vocabulary used. Hope you're having more success with the next game?