Endless Ocean
My old favourite! I used this game in the same way as before because it works well for me. To start the week, I teach discrete word level lessons on figurative language, particularly simile, metaphor and personification. This year I gave the children some pictures of weather to describe using these figurative angugae techniques. As you can imagine the outcome was varying. We spent a lot of time as a class 'stealing', 'borrowing' and 'magpieing' classmate's ideas and sharing examples on the visualiser which we edited and improved as a class.
Finally the children were allowed to enter the Endless Ocean. As always I sacrificed an entire English lesson to play this game - something I am no longer hesitant to do. There were two learning objectives: I can think of examples of figurative language and I can plan a poem into verses. During the game playing the lesson was structured and the children were directed to think about different topics which could be used for verses eg rocks, plants, water movement etc. Any good ideas were shared and myself and my TA gave the children ideas.
Following on from this each lesson had a short amount of shared writing with lots of mixed ability talk partner work to assist the children with writing their own poems. Each group of children also had a small guided writing session for a verse.
In the photographs I have included a couple of examples of writing completed on a different topic after using the Wii. It demonstrates a better use of vocabulary and descriptive language which was definitely assisted by the Wii lessons. Once of the pieces of work featured is by a child who entered Year 6 at a level 1c. Using the Wii as a stimulus certainly assisted him.
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